Job review from in Evansville, IN 47720 on 03/14/18

Overall Rating:

5  out of 5
Our Overall Service
Call Representative

It was great that he found the bees

Sales Process
Our Installation Crew
The Cleanup Process

What made you choose our company:

You made initial call and we accepted

Company's Response:

John, thank you for taking the time to give us a review. I am happy to hear that you are happy with our work. As a thank you, I've applied a $20 discount towards your 2019 yearly renewal!

We also have a referral program if you know of someone who could use our services. All you have to do is make sure they mention your name when calling in or submitting through our website and we'll credit $50 to your account just for referring someone!


Kelsey B.

Marketing Director

Service Area
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