Leaky Windows in Evansville, IN

A basement in Evansville, IN was having a water leak through the windows. The windows were old and rotted on the sides, which allowed water to seep into the basement, causing a mess for the homeowner to maintain. If water is finding its way inside the basement, it can cause mold to form on the edges of the window. The homeowner was ready to switch out the old and leaky window for a more protective and lasting one which will be the most energy-efficient option. 

The old window was replaced with EverLast windows. EverLast windows are double panes of energy-efficient glass that are fixed and do not open. Basement windows are not meant to be opened, but to bring in extra light from outdoors. Many homeowners want a bright and inviting basement for the comfort of their home, which is why the EverLast window is the best solution. The homeowner had protection against water leaks as well as an upgraded look to the space. 

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