Partnered with Lowes for a giveback opportunity

Healthy Spaces partnered with Lowes to help repair a home of a Lowes employee that was diagnosed with ALS this past year. This employee has worked at Lowes for 10+ years and Lowes wanted to help out this family with their home. Lowes offered to donate any supplies that they carry for us to be able to repair their crawlspace. The Healthy Spaces team in return volunteered to work a couple of weekends and donate our mold products to help achieve this goal.  

Some of the work that was done included debris removal, installing an IceGuard to prevent floods from a frozen discharge line, and mold remediation.  The home had a gravity drain that was higher than the footer that was causing water issues in the crawlspace. The water was first pumped out. Then we installed a discharge line and added in a sump pump, that Lowes provided. Lowes also provided us with vapor barrier (plastic) that we installed in the crawlspace for 100% ground coverage. 

Thank you to Lowes for donating their products and to our team members who volunteered to work this.  We are proud to be One Community and have the opportunity to serve in this small way.

Crawlspace Before

Drainage line before

Partnered with Lowes for a giveback opportunity - Image 3

Some of our team members who volunteered

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