Plastic coverings for dust control
In the morning, the guys were able to get everything covered to help minimize dust the best as possible. A plastic walkway was put down to ensure we didn't leave a path of dirt to the back door.

Trench near existing sump pit widened
After lunch the guys got the trench by the sump widened (so we can install a 4" drain in front of the footer since the depth of concrete is shallow)

Perimeter trenching started
The concrete will be broken up and removed, then the Waterguard will be placed in the trenches.

Trenches fill with water during waterproofing
The trenches were cleaned out and weep holes were drilled in the block to release water pressure inside the block. Look at how much water entered the basement! It's a good thing this homeowner contact us to waterproof their basement.

Basement Sump Pump Pit enlarged and prepared
The sump liner was removed and hole was dug wider and deeper to install our sump pump.