Initial Brick Cracking Concern in Central City, KY
This area is why the homeowners originally contacted Healthy Spaces. This looked like a frequent repair area and they were concerned about their home.

Overview of cracking brick in Central City, KY
Here, you can see that the brick crack extends upward and downward into the foundation. This gave the design specialist an important clue to the nature and direction of movement.

Close up of Central City, Ky home's brick cracks
Here you can see that the cracking moving upward is smaller and the crack is larger closer to the foundation. This definitely indicates foundation movement.

Foundation Problem Found in Central City, KY
Here's what the Design Specialist found in the crawlspace. A portion of the block foundation wall was bowing significantly. The crack that you're seeing is a result of both settling and bowing.

Close Up of Foundation Problem in Central City, KY Crawlspace
Here, you can see the extent of the gapping or shearing of the foundation block wall. The blocks are significantly forced inward toward the crawlspace interior. There is expansive soil forcing the wall inward.