Foundation Crack in Boonville, IN
This foundation crack is an indicator of settling and shifting soil around the house. It is likely that the ground will continue to move. As foundation damage goes unaddressed, it will become more difficult to repair.

Vertical Cracks in Boonville, IN
When the soil underneath your foundation fail to support the weight of your home, the foundation will begin to settle unevenly, and cracks will appear. Foundation cracks that are caused by settlement are very serious, and they will only get worse over time as the home continues to move.

Removing the Soil
The first step to installing the Push Pier System is to remove all the soil down to the footing.

Our Pier System Will Permanently Solve Your Foundation Settlement
Heavy-duty steel brackets are then installed below and against your foundation's footing. Steel pier sections are hydraulically driven through the bracket to bedrock or a stable soil layer.

Reaches Greater Depth Than Any Other Option
Next, the weight of the home is transferred through the piers to competent soil below, and a lift can be attempted to bring the home back toward its orginial position. Once teh stabilization and lift are completed, the soil is backfilled and the home is permanently stabilized in its new position.

The soil is put back around the foundation.

Boonville, IN Foundation Repaired
We also sprinkled grass seed around the perimeter of the home and covered it with straw bales.