Foundation Wall Anchor in Madisonville, KY

Many homes in Madisonville, KY are built with block wall foundations.  These foundations show horizontal displacement by stair step cracking.  Horizontal displacement is characterized by bowing, bulging, buckling, and shearing.  The easiest and most effective way to permanently stabilize a bowing wall is to have it professionally anchored.  

The Healthy Spaces foundation repair installation team will pneumatically drill wall anchor rods through the foundation wall at intervals.  The installation team will then dig earth anchor holes in the exterior of the home and the anchor rods will be drilled until they poke through into the holes.  You can see this in the before picture.  

Those anchor rods will be attached to earth anchors and tightened.  Then, the wall anchor face plates on the interior of the foundation walls will be tightened and the anchor rods tightened to stabilize the foundation.  Over time, the wall can be tightened more and straightened.

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